Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Obama's show of faith

As I have noted in a recent post, Obama has not been scared to show that he is a man of faith. Now that does not mean he goes to the level of FORMER PRESIDENT G. Bush, but just that he lets Americans know he is religious. He even actively used his Christian background to appeal to voters during the elections.
So the question is, do President's, or politicians in general, live their lives as religiously as they publicly advertise? There have been numerous examples where President Obama has been caught in small lies about being present in church or actively being Christian. So what really are the chances that all of our Presidents have being abiding Christians? Could they have just fooled the Christian crazed American people into voting them into office? Could they just be attending memorials, services, and rituals to keep selling their product?

For most Americans, this is a definite possibility. Sadly, with so much emphasis on religion during elections, it is likely that other qualified men and women who are either part of minorty religions or atheists, never get a chance to change America for the better. How do we know that Christian leaders have the best interests of the country in mind? How do we know that an atheist cannot lead America forward? Quite frankly, we don't.

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